“Karen has changed the course of my life. This is not an overstatement or an exaggeration. If you are reading this review that means you are lucky enough to have found her. Do not pass this opportunity up!
To say I was not the ideal candidate was an understatement. I found her 2 months before my first (and most important) application was due. At that point I have not even taken the GMAT yet. I come from a non traditional background, have low GPA at 3.02, my undergrad was piecemealed together because I worked full time while completing my degree, and my chosen career trajectory suddenly took a depressing turn as the plant I worked at was shut down. I also was a mom with two small children and a working spouse.
Karen excels at many things. She is equal part a detective combing your life experience for attributes and achievements you yourself forgot about or felt were unimportant or not pertinent, and equal part your most ardent cheerleader. Her knowledge on the application process and dynamics at play is unparalleled. Karen has an uncanny ability to reframe your experiences in way relevant to business school. She will push you to reach for your best product, she will make you work for it and you will work hard. She is an absolute master of her craft.
When you work with her you will have her undivided attention and will feel like she has no possible other place she needs to be even though you know she is extremely busy. She always honors her dead lines. If she says she will do something by this date and time you can set your whole life around it as she will deliver without fail.
But the results are unprecedented. I got accepted into my first choice school Ivy League Business School, and got two full ride fellowships to two lower tiered schools.
Ironically the hardest decision was still ahead of me. Given the fact that I was an older applicant with a family I did not see how I could possibly assume the financial burden of attending my first choice school and would have accepted the full ride to a lower tiered school. Karen would not have any of it. When I felt it could not be done she persisted and guided me, way beyond what our contractual relationship obligated her to. She was that dedicated to my success. The only thing I can credit myself with was having the good sense to listen to her.
I sincerely hope you do the same!”