by Karen Marks | May 4, 2018 | Business School Admissions, General Admissions, Uncategorized
Unsuccessful business school applicants often make one of these common MBA application mistakes. The good news is that they are usually totally fixable and preventable– the first step is taking an honest look at your candidacy. Unclear and/or Unrealistic Goals. This...
by Karen Marks | Apr 24, 2018 | Business School Admissions, General Admissions, Uncategorized
As a former Tuck Admissions Officer and the Founder and President of North Star Admissions Consulting, I know that it can be hard to separate fact from fiction when it comes to MBA admissions. There is no shortage of damaging misinformation out there – here is the...
by Karen Marks | Feb 28, 2018 | Business School Admissions, General Admissions, Uncategorized
There is so much information swirling around about business school admissions that it can be hard to know what to believe. It’s also easy to find advice that supports what you want to hear, which can lead to trouble. In addition to the blind spots that I previously...
by Karen Marks | Jan 22, 2018 | Business School Admissions, General Admissions, Uncategorized
Not getting the results you want? Late to the application process? If so, you might be considering submitting a third round MBA application. Here are some dynamics to think about before you apply – and some realities that the admissions office won’t tell you. It’s...
by Karen Marks | Oct 17, 2017 | Business School Admissions, General Admissions, Uncategorized
I have worked with a lot of business school applicants since founding North Star in 2012, and during my years at Dartmouth. Sometimes the best guidance is hard for people to hear. Nevertheless, if any of this MBA admissions advice sounds familiar please consider...