by NSAdmin | Feb 26, 2020
“Let’s start the story with the outcome: I am going to my dream school and that is without doubt thanks to Karen! A few months ago after being denied admission from all the schools I applied to the previous year and despite having worked with a « famous » consultant...
by NSAdmin | Feb 26, 2020
“Karen was a key asset during the college search and application process. In initial interviews with each parent separately and then with our son, she listened openly to our hopes, concerns, and aspirations, and used those conversations to shape a path of exploration...
by NSAdmin | Feb 26, 2020
“Karen helped make my college application process go as smoothly and stress free as possible. She found a way to connect with me (a 17 year old high school male) and make me feel comfortable. Karen worked with me to identify and articulate my strengths and guided me...