Applying to Business School This Year?
If you are applying to business school this year, here are five things that you should be doing right now. Get your testing under control. GMAT and GRE scores continue to rise. Although both are absolutely coachable exams, it may take longer than you think to reach...
Visiting Colleges? Read This First!
Visiting colleges is a rite of passage. Wondering what to expect and how to maximize your time? Go to the information session. Ok, I know that they can be a little dull. But I strongly suggest that you attend the information session, at least for your top choice...
The Perfect College List
Today is a big day in the college admissions world – it’s Ivy release day. If you are a high school sophomore or junior, or the parent of one, you are likely paying great attention to the results. Getting into the optimal college requires starting early, and creating...
How I Helped My Daughter Get Into Her First Choice Ivy League College
In addition to being a former Dartmouth admissions officer and the founder of North Star admissions consulting, I am also the parent of three kids. My oldest is a senior in high school, and this year I helped her get in early decision to her first choice Ivy League...
Three MBA Admissions Trends That You Need To Know About
As this season draws to a close, it’s worth highlighting three MBA admissions trends that have recently emerged. Early Applications Are More Important Than Ever. The standard admissions advice is to apply as soon as you are ready, in the earliest round that you can...
An Inside Look at Recruiting as an International MBA student
Hello North Star Readers! Here is a guest post from a tremendously talented former client, who is now a student at Kellogg. He is from Asia, and has generously offered to share his perspective on recruiting as an international MBA student. Congratulations on your...
Damaging MBA Admissions Myths
There is a lot of information out there about MBA admissions. Unfortunately, much of it is wrong! Don’t fall for these dangerous MBA admissions myths: Don’t apply in the first round. Have you heard that it’s better to wait and apply in a later round, because the...
Have You Chosen the Wrong Business School Recommender?
Asking for a recommendation is stressful. You are making yourself vulnerable and possibly learning what people really think of you. The news isn’t always good, but it’s crucial to pay attention to what your potential business school recommender is actually...
How to Sell Work Experience in MBA Applications
You know that you need to be strategic when describing your work experience in MBA applications. Admissions Officers use criteria that may surprise you. Seniority & Responsibility To assess your level of seniority the committee looks for concrete indicators that...
Articulating Goals in Your Business School Applications
What do you want to do after you graduate from business school? Surprisingly, many applicants are initially stumped by this question. I help North Star clients figure out and articulate what they really want to do by guiding them through an introspective process....