Waiting For MBA Decisions
Are you waiting to hear back from business schools? Whether you are waiting for MBA decisions or interview invitations, it’s hard. Here are some glimpses into what’s going on behind the scenes, and tips to help you survive. Don’t read the forums. I know it’s tempting,...
Wondering How to Get Into Top Colleges and MBA Programs?
North Star turns three next week, and I am incredibly grateful to everyone who has collaborated along the way. I truly appreciate your trust, guidance and support. I have also been reflecting on why my clients get into top colleges and MBA programs. (98% of my...
The truth about open MBA interviews
Tuck’s open interview registration is live, and I am getting lots of questions about open MBA interviews. Is it really necessary to initiate an on campus interview at schools that allow applicants to do so? The brief answer: Yes, especially if you are a domestic...
Mentoring First Generation College Applicants
Hello North Star blog readers! Today I am happy to share Kyron’s blog about mentoring first generation college applicants, which is inspirational on many levels. In addition to being proud to know Kyron, I am also proud to support Walter by donating my help with his...
A Business School Re-Applicant Shares His Story
I am happy to introduce you to SY, another North Star client who has generously offered to share his experience. As a business school re-applicant, and also as an international student and a first generation college graduate, SY has a tremendously valuable...
Sample College or MBA Application Essays: A Really Bad Idea
I firmly believe that reading other people’s essays before writing your own is a huge, detrimental mistake. Here are three reasons why I never give my clients templates or sample college or MBA application essays: You need to find your own voice. The essays are...
What It’s Really Like To Apply To Business School
Hello North Star blog readers. I am delighted to introduce you to Kyron Banks. Kyron is a current member of my Sirius program, which is a group consulting program designed to help first generation college graduates get into business school. Kyron has very graciously...
Are you ready for the 2015 Common Application?
Although the common application doesn't open until August 1st, we already know that there will be changes, both logistically and in terms of content. Here is what rising seniors need to know about the 2015 common application: There are new essay prompts. (New language...
What Business Schools Really Think When You Ask For A Deferral
The dust is settling, and the MBA application cycle is winding down. For some of you, despite having been admitted to one or more schools, you may not feel sure that are ready to matriculate – at least not to those programs. If this sounds familiar, you might be...
Should You Retake The SAT?
Scores were released today for the May SAT, and many students are wondering whether to retake the exam. The SAT is changing next year and there are only a few more opportunities to take this version of the test, so it is in your best interest to make a decision now....