by NSAdmin | Feb 26, 2020
“Without Karen I would not be at the top tier MBA program I am at today. Before meeting Karen I applied to and was rejected by several schools and was at a loss on how to gain acceptance. My academic history was a massive red flag to MBA programs and a blemish on my...
by NSAdmin | Feb 26, 2020
“I can’t thank Karen enough for believing in my potential. Given my less-than-ideal stats and the fact that I had offers from three decent schools, I obviously didn’t have the motivation to go through the mill to apply to a stretch school. But after an honest and...
by NSAdmin | Feb 26, 2020
“My coach from Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT) referred me to Karen two months before first round applications were due. I was reassured that Karen was the best choice to get my application ready in the short timeframe I had before first round deadlines – and...